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KNOW why vapes are not safer than cigarettes

2023 KNOW VAPE Video Contest Winners

Grand Prize Winner

The Vaping Rap

Eli Richey, Fairmont Junior High School

Grand Prize Winner

Your Future is Bright Don’t Throw It Away

Halle Lowman, Boise High School

1st Place Winners

Vaping Can be Harmful to you!!!

Created by Charlie Johnson, Boise Senior High

1st Place Winners
1 / 7 Videos
Vaping Can be Harmful to you!!!
Idaho Public Television
Vaping Can be Harmful to you!!!
Idaho Public Television
Anti Vape Ad - Just Say No
Idaho Public Television
Anti Vape Ad - Just Say No
Are Vapes The New Cigarettes Is History Going To Repeat Itself
Idaho Public Television
Are Vapes The New Cigarettes Is History Going To Repeat Itself
Vape Hauntings
Idaho Public Television
Vape Hauntings
Know Vape Video Competition
Idaho Public Television
Know Vape Video Competition
What's my beef with vaping?
Idaho Public Television
What's my beef with vaping?

2nd Place Winners

Feeling Stuck #KnowVape Idaho

Saryn Alred, Rocky Mountain Middle 

2nd Place Winners
1 / 4 Videos
Feeling Stuck #KnowVape Idaho
Idaho Public Television
Feeling Stuck #KnowVape Idaho
Do Better
Idaho Public Television
Do Better
Finished Vaping - Spotlight on Stage
Idaho Public Television
Finished Vaping - Spotlight on Stage
Vaping Through the Eyes of a Parkour Athlete
Idaho Public Television
Vaping Through the Eyes of a Parkour Athlete

3rd Place Winners

Know Vape 2023 Animation

Created by Auren Pollari, Boise High

3rd Place Winners
1 / 10 Videos
Know Vape 2023 Animation
Idaho Public Television
Know Vape 2023 Animation
Don't Throw Your Future Away
Idaho Public Television
Don't Throw Your Future Away
This Is What Vaping Is
Idaho Public Television
This Is What Vaping Is
Anti Vape PSA for 2023 Idaho Anti Vape Contest
Idaho Public Television
Anti Vape PSA for 2023 Idaho Anti Vape Contest
Vaping Kills 2023 PBS kNOw Vape Submission
Idaho Public Television
Vaping Kills 2023 PBS kNOw Vape Submission
Anti Vape Ad - Doctor's Office "Vaping Kills"
Idaho Public Television
Anti Vape Ad - Doctor's Office "Vaping Kills"
Vape Commercial
Idaho Public Television
Vape Commercial
Know Vape - Don’t Vape
Idaho Public Television
Know Vape - Don’t Vape
kNOw Vape Film Competition Entry
Idaho Public Television
kNOw Vape Film Competition Entry
Don't Risk It
Idaho Public Television
Don't Risk It



Friends of Idaho Public Television
Idaho Millennium Fund
Idaho's Health Districts

For all media inquiries, please contact Jennie Sue Weltner at