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Legacy of Light: Illuminating Idaho's Future

Planned Giving

Whatever your stage in life, it is a good idea to think about and plan for how your affairs will be handled. A few simple steps today can give you peace of mind tomorrow by ensuring that you and your loved ones are well protected. Your estate plan can also be used to support charitable causes that matter most to you, such as the quality programs and education services offered to our community by this station.

Leaving a planned gift to Idaho Public Television provides a lasting legacy for future generations, enabling IdahoPTV to continue to provide programming and services that challenge the mind, inspire the spirit, preserve our stories, and promote understanding for years to come. Your estate plan can also be used to support charitable causes that matter most to you, such as the quality programs and education services offered to our community by this station.

Your will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes to the people and institutions most important to you. Through a bequest, you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you will help Idaho Public Television for years to come, at the same time providing for your loved ones.

A bequest contribution is deductible for federal estate-tax purposes with no limit on the amount of the deduction. In addition, bequests generally are not subject to state inheritance or estate taxes. In a large estate, the savings can be more than the value of the bequest. As always, please contact your tax advisor for your specific situation.

Ways to support IdahoPTV in your estate plans include:

  • Bequest through a will or trust
  • Specify an amount or percentage of your estate
  • Beneficiary designation (life insurance policy, IRA or retirement plan)
  • Beneficiary of charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity
  • Real estate or other real property


Information You May Need:

Legal Name: Friends of Idaho Public Television
Mailing Address: 1455 N Orchard St, Boise, ID 83706
Tax ID: 82-0400218
Standard Bequest Language: I give, devise, bequeath to Friends of Idaho Public Television, Inc. in Boise, Idaho the sum of $_____________________ for its general purposes (or for a designated purpose).

If you would like more information on planned giving or to receive a free, helpful estate planning booklet, please complete the online request form below.

To learn more about planned giving with IdahoPTV, please contact Jenifer Johnson, Director of Charitable Giving:

Idaho Public Television Legacy Society

Legacy Society

If you have already left The Friends of Idaho Public Television in your will or estate plans, consider becoming our newest Legacy Society member. It’s simple to join—just complete the attached Planned Gift Intent Form and return it to us. When you do, you become part of the IdahoPTV Legacy Society, and you also help both of us look into the future knowing that you have helped secure the future of public television. 

Please rest assured knowing the form is completely non-binding and simply informative for us. It also helps us to acknowledge and account for future gifts correctly, and keep you informed of any changes that might impact your future plans.

Charles & Lorraine Childers | Legacy Society
IRA Qualified charitable distribution

Gifts made directly from your IRA to Idaho Public Television count toward your Required Minimum Distribution if you are required to take one.

Donor-Advised Funds

The Friends of Idaho Public Television is a qualified public charitable organization, and can easily accept gifts from Donor-advised funds. 

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock can be a mutually beneficial way to combine your charitable giving goals with effective estate and financial planning.

Give With Confidence

Idaho Public Television has earned the highest possible rating, four stars, from Charity Navigator, America's largest independent evaluator of nonprofit organizations, and the highest score for transparency from Guidestar/Candid, a Platinum Seal. These ratings demonstrate fiscal excellence and a commitment to accountability and transparency.

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Charity Navigator 4 star logo
Donor Bill of Rights